Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah, the
companion of Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW), to whom Holy Prophet gave
this glad tidings: "Jabir you will get the period of my 5th successor
Hazrat Imam Muhammad bin Ali Al-Baqir (A.S). When you meet him, pay my salam to
him (A.S)," arrived in Karbala to visit Hazrat Imam Hussain (A.S). He has
the honour of being the first who visited Hazrat Imam Hussain (A.S).
It is reported from Hazrat Imam Hassan Askari (A.S) that 5 things are the emblems of a momin (faithful):
(i) Performing 51 rakaat prayer (salat) (17 rakat wajib + 34 rakat nafal) during 24 hours;
(ii) Reciting ziarat-e-Arba'een;
(iii) Wearing Aqeeq-ring in right hand;
(iv) To prostrate (sajda) on khak-e-shafa;
(v) To recite Bismillah-irahmaan-niraheem audibly in prayers (salat).
Two Ziaraat of Hazrat Imam Hussain (A.S) of Roz-e-Arba'een (40th) have been reported:
(a) Sheikh has reported in Tehzeeb and Misbah from Safwan Jamal, he said that my Maula Hazrat Imam Jafar-e-Sadiq (A.S) said to me to recite following ziarat on Arba'een day:

"Peace be upon the wali of Allah and His favourite, peace be upon khaleel-lillah and the one chosen by Him, peace be upon the pure person of Allah and the son of His pure person, Peace be upon Hussain (A.S) who is mazloom (oppressed) and shaheed (martyr), Peace be upon one who was imprisoned by sufferings and the slain of cries and lamentation. Oh Allah I bear witness that He is your wali and the son of your wali and your chosen one and the son of your chosen one and is appointed and fixed with your grace. You have honoured him with martyrdom and have particularized Him with blessings and selected him with cleanliness and purity of birth and made him master from among the masters and leader from among the leaders and defender of Islam from among the defenders of Islam and granted Him the heritage of Prophets and placed Him Hujjat (proof) upon your creatures from among the ausiya (testamentary successors) so He removed the excuse from Ummah in itmaam-e-Hujjat (completion of proof) and accomplished to advice Ummah and caused His blood to shed in your way to save your beings from that of ignorance and going astray while he was oppressed by the one who was made arrogant by the world and who exchanged his share of Aakhira for mean and base world and sold his Aakhira for a very low price and caused oppression and tyranny and he was ruined in his self desires, and made you and your Prophet angry and obeyed callous, hypocrites and sinfuls from among Your servants who deserve hell. So he made Holy war (Jehad) in your way to these oppressors with patience and sincerity to this degree that His blood was caused to shed in your obedience, and disgrace of his sanctity was regarded as lawful (mubah). Oh Allah curse these cruels with severity, and give them terrible punishment, peace be upon you oh the son of prophet of Allah, peace be upon you oh the son of the master of Ausiya (testamentary successors). I bear witness that you are trustee (ameen) of Allah and the son of his trustee, you have spent your whole life in obedience and passed away in a praise worthy way and died as a matchless and oppressed martyr. I bear witness that Allah will fulfill what He has promised to you and will ruin who has left you and punish who has killed you, and I bear witness that you have fulfilled the promise of Allah and made Holy war (jehad) in His way up to this that you died. May Allah curse him who has killed you, and may the curse of Allah be upon him who oppressed you, and may Allah curse the ummah which heard all this and remained agree to this. Oh Allah I make you witness that I am friend of their (A.S) friends and enemy of their enemies. May my parents ransom you, oh the son of Holy Prophet of Allah. I bear witness that you was refulgence and light in the elevated spines and loins, and in the womb of pure and chaste mothers, the evil influences and dirt of ignorance did not reach you, the dark dress of ignorance did not come on your body. And I bear witness that you are the pillar of religion, the base of Muslim constitution and the protector of momeneen (faithfuls) and I bear witness that you are pious, virtuous, Allah's favourite, pure, true guide and guided Imam, and I bear witness that the Imams from your offspring are the soul of piety and signs of guidance, and strong relation of Emaan and proof over those who live in the world, and I bear witness that I believe you and believe in your raj'at (return) with the laws of my religion and completion of my deed, and my heart is entirely submissive to yours and my command in obeys yours, and my help for you is ready thus for Allah permit you hence we are with you, not with your foes may the blessings of Allah upon you and your souls and your bodies and your appearance and your absence and your outside & your inside. Fulfil my dua'a (prayer) Lord of the universe".
After the recitation of this Ziarat, two-rakaat prayer (salat) is to be offered and then pray (dua'a) for his wishes and needs. Insha Allah his wishes/needs will be fulfilled.
(b) 2nd Ziarat-e-Arba'een is that which has been reported by Ata from Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (May Allah please with him). He said that "I was with Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah on 20th Safar. Hazrat Jabir used the water of Euphrates (Farat) for ghusl (bath) when we reached Ghazaria. After it he (Hazrat Jabir) departed for the Holy grave of Imam Hussain (A.S) bare-footed. There he stood at the head site of the Holy grave and recited Allaho Akbar three times and became senseless and faint with grief and deep sorrow. I heard he was reciting the following ziarat when he came in his senses:
" Peace be upon You oh Aal Allah, peace be upon You oh the chosen by Allah, peace be upon you oh the best creature of Allah, peace be upon you oh the lord of Lords, Peace be upon you oh the brave lions, Peace be upon you oh the boats of liberation, peace be upon you oh aba Abdillahil Hussain (A.S), peace be upon you oh the successor of the knowledge of Prophets and may the blessings of Allah upon you, peace be upon you oh the successor of Adam (AS) safi illah (God's elected), peace be upon you oh the successor of Noah (A.S) nabi illah (the Prophet of Allah), peace be upon you oh the successor of Ibraham (A.S) Khaleel illah (The friend of Allah), peace be upon You oh the successor of Moses (A.S) Kaleem illah, peace be upon You oh the successor of Christ Rooh illah, peace be upon You oh the successor of Muhammad Habib illah ( the friend and favourite of Allah), peace be upon you oh the son of Muhammed-e-Mustafa ,peace be upon you oh the son of Ali-e-Murtaza ,peace be upon you oh the son of Fatimah tuz-zahra, peace be upon you oh the son of Khadeeja-tul-kubra, peace be upon you oh martyr - the son of martyr, peace be upon You oh who has been killed in the way of Allah - the son of who has been killed in the way of Allah, peace be upon You oh the wali of Allah - the son of His wali, peace be upon You oh the proof of Allah - the son of his proof upon His creatures, I bear witness that you established the salat (prayer), and gave zakat (charity) & ordered for good, and prohibited from evil, and grieved in your father's sufferings, and made Holy war (Jehad) against your enemy, and I bear witness that you listen our words and also reply, and that you are the friend of Allah, and His Khaleel and His najeeb and His elected and the son of His elected, oh my maula, and the son of my maula I visit you with passion and fondness so be my intercessor to Allah oh my master, and I want the intercession of your grandfather - the master of Prophets, and of your father - the Lord of Ausiya (testamentary successors) , and of your mother Fatimah - the mistress of the ladies of the world. May the curse of Allah be upon Your killers and upon those who oppressed you, may Allah curse those who seized your right and deprived you of it from among the first and the last, and may the blessings of Allah be upon our master Muhammad and His pure and chaste Aal (offspring)."
It is reported in the fazeelat and merit of Ziarat-e-Imam Hussain (A.S) that Allah shows His special favour to the visitor of Hussain (A.S) in every Shab-e-Jum'a (the night between Thursday and Friday). Ibne Qolveya reported from Hazrat Imam Jafar-e-Sadiq (A.S): "he who visits Hazrat Imam Hussain (A.S) will be with Hazrat Imam Hussain (A.S) in Bahisht (Heaven)."
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